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OOF Diary > Losses > Gains > OOFs and POOFs

Who OOFs better?

by OOFER Cube
I woke up today feeling like today was going to be the day. A new week, fresh opportunities, the sun shining through the window as I opened my eyes. The world was my oyster, and I had all my plans in place. I decided I was going to take a different approach to everything today: productivity, positivity, and success. My to-do list was looking pristine, full of tasks that I was going to conquer. I was going to be a machine. I started with a quick jog. I had heard it was the best way to kickstart the day. The morning air was fresh, and the pavement beneath my sneakers felt like the perfect launchpad. About ten minutes in, I realized I hadn’t run in months. I was gasping for air, but I pushed through. I told myself to keep going. Then my knee gave out. Just like that. It buckled, I tripped, and I went face-first into a puddle of mud. Not a tiny puddle. A full-on, "could drown a small animal" puddle. OOF. My face was covered, my knee was throbbing, and I could already hear the universe laughing at me.

Day 2: The Return to Work After yesterday’s disaster, I thought I would recover. It’s just a small setback, right? I brushed off the mud, limped home, and decided to dive back into work. I hadn’t gotten anything done yesterday, so today was all about focusing. I’d just had a small setback with the jog. Today, I was going to power through my tasks, stay on top of emails, and make progress on that project that had been hanging over my head for weeks. No distractions. No excuses. I sat at my desk and opened my laptop. The first task? Writing an email to my boss with the updates on my project. I stared at the blank email for a while, then I began typing. The words flowed easily, everything was coming together—until my cat decided to walk across the keyboard. Her little paws, pressing down on the keys like a tiny, furry pianist, had somehow turned my email into a chaotic, incomprehensible mess. And somehow, I hit send. I quickly opened my sent folder, but it was too late. The email was already out there, littered with random letters and nonsensical gibberish. I tried to recover, but nothing I typed could undo the damage. I could already feel the OOF reverberating through my soul. It wasn’t just a typo. It was a catastrophe.

Day 3: A Glimpse of Hope (Followed by a Swift Collapse) I woke up this morning with a renewed sense of optimism. Yesterday wasn’t too bad. The cat-email fiasco was embarrassing, but I knew I could make up for it today. The first order of business? A nice, quiet cup of coffee to ease into the day. I had learned my lesson about rushing into things without a proper start. No more chaos. I was going to take it slow, savor the moments, and then tackle my tasks one by one. I brewed the coffee, took a sip, and—BOOM! The mug slipped from my hand, crashing to the floor in what felt like an orchestrated symphony of destruction. Coffee spilled everywhere, including all over my favorite book. My shirt. My shoes. It was an absolute mess. My coffee mug, now in pieces, sat there mocking me in the aftermath. OOF. There was no saving it. I was wearing the stain of failure like a badge of honor. I had tried to have a calm morning. I had tried to ease into the day. But no, the universe had other plans.




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